On this page you can find scientific and more clinically oriented articles and posters that can help to understand how we adjusted and examined mindfulness for people with autism.
Kiep, M., Spek, A. & Hoeben, L. (2014).
Mindfulness-based therapy in adult with an autism spectrum disorder: Do treatment effects last? Mindfulness,
DOI 10.1007/s12671-014-0299-x
Spek, A.A., Van Ham, N.C., & Nyklíček, I. (2013).
Mindfulness-based therapy in adults with an autism spectrum disorder: A randomized controlled trial.
Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34, 246-253
Spek, A.A., & Van Ham, N.C. (2013)
Can Mindfulness-based therapy reduce executive impairment in adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)?
Scientific poster, to be presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) 2013.
Spek, A.A. (2012).
Mindfulness in adults with autism spectrum disorders.
Autism Advocate.
Spek. A.A. (2012).
Achtsamkeit (mindfulness) bei erwachsenen mit einer autismus-spektrum-störung.